You'll see some common themes in these testimonials:
1. These women doubted that they could actually achieve their goals - but they did.
2. They were nervous about investing - but it paid off enormously.
3. They love the community and friendships they've built in this space.

I take zero credit for my students' talent and vision and drive - but wow, is it an honor to help them hone their gifts and build a brand and a business that surpasses what they thought possible. There are no carbon-copies here - no sameness or becoming more alike as we work together. This is a space where each woman is empowered in her own unique gifting, and where success is found in honoring our own preferences and intuition.

I am beyond proud and grateful that this is my job: empowering women, helping them and their families thrive, and transforming a lonely, competitive, overwhelming industry one step at a time.

hear it from my students:

I don't take a single one of these testimonials for granted. I'm 100% committed to providing an experience for every student that is always above-and-beyond, more than they expected, and that proves my genuine excitement for their successes. 

Courtney Houk:

"Hannah is who you want in your corner rooting for your business — she is an amazing artist behind the camera, but she’s an even more amazing business coach behind her computer! I can’t say enough great things about working with Hannah!!"

Last year, I knew that something BIG needed to change within my business. I was shooting too much for too little money, and just losing too much time with my family. My work was not bad by any means, but if I'm honest, I was not happy with it anymore and not proud of the galleries I was returning. I knew I needed to be charging way more so I could shoot less, but I didn't feel confident to raise my prices even a little bit. There are a lot of courses out there promising a lot of different things, and it can be really be overwhelming to choose one. I am not a sales-y person, I do not love social media, and honestly I do not have a ton of time to invest. So it was really important to me to find something that would be reasonable for a busy mom to feasibly do, and also give tangible, realistic actions that would actually make a real difference in my business.

Courtney smith:

"My inquiries have TRIPLED, as well as being able to up my session prices to numbers I could have only dreamed of last year (with plans to keep upping them!) Hannah has helped me to do what I felt was almost impossible, and somehow made it feel easy."

I remember the evening I stumbled upon Hannah's course and knowing right away that Unbasic Creatives is what my little business needed. Due to our family's budget though, I was still really hesitant and had concerns that the course would not be worth our money or my time. Hannah was so understanding and patient with answering all of my questions about the course. She is extremely knowledgeable, relatable, encouraging, honest, and kind (characteristics that put me at ease instantly). If you choose to work with Hannah, you will quickly realize this about her - she is extremely thorough and full of integrity, and in my opinion, this makes her incredibly trustworthy. After talking with her, I really felt that I could trust what she says and trust that she would help me point my business in the right direction. After deciding to make the investment and dive in, my business very quickly started changing. My edit, the way I shoot, where I shoot, how I direct, my website, the way I use social media, the way I communicate with clients, the way I treat and view my business...everything got an upgrade. A big one. Throughout the course, on top of the coursework already given, I truly felt that I could ask Hannah anything and that she would give me a knowledgeable answer with no judgment. 

I can tell you that I am so proud of my work and proud of the galleries I am returning to my clients. What my work and my business looks like now as compared to the start of this course is beyond my wildest dreams. I've said this to many and will say it here too...this is the BEST thing I've ever done for my business.

Before the course began, I was worried that I would never be able to charge the prices that I wanted to charge. That being said... my inquiries have TRIPLED, as well as being able to up my session prices to numbers I could have only dreamed of last year (with plans to keep upping them!) Hannah has helped me to do what I felt was almost impossible, and somehow made it feel easy. For the first time in 12 years of business, I feel like I am right where I am supposed to be. I cannot IMAGINE having not done this for my business, and I only wish I could go back and guide my burnt-out self to this course much sooner. Hannah is the real deal, and cares deeply about the success of her students. I am not only walking away from the course with a ginormous business makeover, but I have been given so many tools that I will utilize over and over again. I also really and truly feel like I gained a new friend, so that's just the cherry on top for me.

"I cannot recommend Unbasic Creatives enough - trust me, it’s worth every penny and more."

See For Yourself





"My investment in the Unbasic Creatives mastermind program was worth every penny and minute and I'll be forever grateful for having had the opportunity to learn from the best!"

Joining Hannah's mastermind was a decisive turning point for my business! Under her guidance, I refined my skills, expanded my knowledge, and experienced a transformative journey that elevated my photography, brand and website to new heights. 

I knew I had to sign up immediately after reading about Hannah's software engineer background and her love for solving complex problems. She has translated these skills into her coaching program. Hannah is one of those rare gems that is able to impart knowledge with an artist's touch whilst underpinning it all with real easy to implement practical steps that upgrade multi facets of your business. The education is wrapped up in spaced out learning modules that removes the overwhelm and increases long term mastery. It's truly been the best investment for my business!

The insights shared as well as her invaluable feedback helped me refine my artistry, leading to a substantial increase in my pricing. I am now confidently charging what my work truly deserves to be sustainable.

This mastermind has been nothing short of remarkable, and I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact it has had on both my craft and my business. 

rachel breier:

"Unbasic Creatives was everything I needed and more! It was hands down one of the best investments that I made in my life..."

See For Yourself





"The money that I invested in working with Hannah is the best money spent in my whole photography career."

Working with Hannah has been invaluable to me to really give me the tools and momentum I needed to make big strides in my business.

I knew I needed something like this to continue to grow as a photographer and have support along the way, but being very early along in my business, I was hesitant about the financial commitment.

However, I would do it all over again, 100%. I would never be where I am now, excited to grow my business and the growth that I've made, without Hannah. She has been incredible to work with, genuine, honest, and encouraging and I would recommend her to any photographer looking to grow in some aspect of their business.

meredith petit:

“Hannah's program has been life changing for me...”

Hannah’s program has been life changing for me... Not only is Hannah extremely knowledgeable and an expert in her field, but she truly cares about community over competition.

She is dedicated to helping other photographers find what makes them unique and helps set up practical ways to implement change.

Because of her mentoring, I feel more confident with my own business. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and inspired me to make the changes I have wanted to make for a long time.
She also fosters a positive group vibe, and it has been so fun getting to know the other talented photographers in the group. Hannah is always approachable when we have questions or just need to brainstorm ideas.

If anyone is looking to shake up their business, Hannah’s mastermind is well worth it!


"I can confidently say that this was the best decision I’ve made for my business over these 7 years and I am so grateful to have been a part of this program."

See For Yourself




This time last year I was in a bit of a rut with my photography. I had made leaps and bounds since I started but I still felt like there was still an invisible wall between where I was and where I wanted to be. I looked at other photographer’s images that I loved and thought “how do they do it?!” I wanted that natural ease of posing and imagery as well as the consistency of editing and honing in on my own style - which while better, was still a bit all over the place.

I had tried one or two other education courses but felt they didn’t align exactly with what I was hoping to get out of a course. I wanted a place to ask those nitty-gritty questions, where I could learn about all aspects of the business and get better at shooting, editing and marketing. Then I found Hannah and Unbasic Creatives. 

annie brennand:

"I cannot recommend Unbasic Creatives enough - trust me, it’s worth every penny and more. I can see the difference in my work and all the work from the other incredible women who’ve taken Hannah’s course in the past. Make the investment - you will reap all the rewards!"

This course was everything I was looking for and more. Unbasic Creatives covers all aspects of running a photography business and gives you the tools to become a better artist and small business owner. The online content is truly invaluable (and available for life) and I still find myself circling back for tips and tricks even now, despite being finished with my time in the course. And the group coaching calls give the space necessary to ask those specific questions I wanted to ask for so long!

Hannah truly believes in community over competition and shares everything about her process and workflow but still respecting and fostering that her way isn’t the only way to do things. Unbasic Creatives is the space to learn how to become the best photographer YOU can be, not a one size fits all mold. 

My biggest improvement - and the area I most wanted to work on when starting the course - was my editing and posing. I wanted the natural, emotive and connection-filled images of family that I saw other photographers producing, along with the consistency of great edits every time. And I truly feel like I have accomplished that and I could not have done it without Hannah’s incredible course and guidance. I’m confident in using my profiles and presets in a way I never was before, and shooting in different conditions and experimenting with light in ways I only dreamed of.  

I cannot recommend Unbasic Creatives enough - trust me, it’s worth every penny and more. I can see the difference in my work and all the work from the other incredible women who’ve taken Hannah’s course in the past. Make the investment - you will reap all the rewards! Thank you so much Hannah! 

— courtney

" If you're on the fence about any kind of mentorship or course with her, please just know that every penny you invest will come back to you in leaps and bounds!"

Last December, I reached out to Hannah about online mentoring. I felt stuck in my work and was frustrated that I wasn’t producing the type of work that I longed to create. I had been in business for over six years but had never really had someone mentor me and encourage me in my work. 

I knew that something had to change. I felt run down and exhausted and was honestly contemplating quitting because of burn out. I also knew that I needed to be able to raise my prices and make a more sustainable income for my family.

When I spoke with Hannah about where I was in my business and as a mom of young kids, I felt totally understood and cared for. It was like she gave me a virtual hug and spoke directly to my heart. I remember telling my husband, “It’s like she created this exactly for me!” Hannah invited me to join her Mastermind Unbasic Creatives and to spend time learning from her alongside other family photographers.

andrea bradshaw:

"My bookings have definitely increased and I’m doing more of the work that I love and have longed to create. I’ve also been able to raise my prices and make a more sustainable income for my family."

I was a little hesitant at first because of the cost. After processing the decision with my husband, we decided to make the leap.

From the beginning, Hannah has been incredibly gracious, kind, helpful, and honest. She is a wealth of knowledge and truly wants to see you succeed. She is the biggest cheerleader and encourager and has answered every question I have had - both big and small. 

The content is excellent and covers so many areas of running a photography business from nailing your vision, to pricing, to social media - she truly offers SO much. It is all so accessible and is given in manageable chunks that are not overwhelming. Her goal is to help you succeed and achieve what you want for your business. The biweekly zoom calls are great times to connect, ask questions, and process different things. I have gained so much out of these times and have found them very helpful!

I can honestly say that these last six months have been transformative for my work. Hannah helped restore the joy of photography for me and for that I am so grateful! My bookings have definitely increased and I’m doing more of the work that I love and have longed to create. I’ve also been able to raise my prices and make a more sustainable income for my family. Though I am still growing and learning all the time, I can confidently say that this was the best decision I’ve made for my business over these 7 years and I am so grateful to have been a part of this program. If you have any questions or want to learn more, reach out and I’d love to chat with you!

from my students

"I cannot recommend working with Hannah enough!"

Kristen Howell:

I had done some education before but was looking for a mentorship that would push me on both the art side and the business side. Hannah's mastermind was 100% that!

This mastermind has given me the confidence to shoot beautiful images and be true to myself. I now have a vision for going forward in a business that I love and enjoy, while also being profitable and serving my clients well! I cannot recommend working with Hannah enough!

Courtney S:

"Hannah has helped me to do what I felt was almost impossible, and somehow made it feel easy."

I jumped into Unbasic Creatives within six weeks of starting a photography business. I knew I wanted to have a sustainable, profitable, and high end business that created a beautiful experience for my clients - yet also gave me the work life balance that I dreamed of.

Unbasic Creatives was everything I needed and more! I loved the course work, portfolio & website reviews, coaching calls, and the online group of fellow photographers (which is priceless).

It was hands down one of the best investments that I made in my life - not only because it created the business that I dreamed of but also for the way it developed me as a person. 

tate smith:

"Unbasic Creatives truly is the best course I've ever taken."

I cannot sing enough praises about it. Hannah is an incredibly talented teacher who cares deeply about you and the success of your business. She is very thorough in all her explanations of the course content and her answers to any and every question you may have. Unbasic Creatives is an all-inclusive course that will transform your business if you put the work into it.

I started about a year into business, when navigating the world of photography seemed overwhelming. Her strategy of giving you bite-size information at a time is something I really enjoyed. It allows you to take your time and dig deep to see what action steps need to happen next. I’ve had more “aha moments” than I can count, answering questions I didn’t know I should have. I feel incredibly blessed to have found Hannah and that I can be part of her course. 

If you’re looking for a course that will give you all the tools to grow your photography business, look no further. Hannah’s Unbasic Creatives truly is the best course I have ever taken.

eunice steiner:


"Not only is she excellent in her field, she truly wants others to succeed as well."

Investing in education with Hannah was one of the best, if not THE best, business decisions I made in the last year. I had been following Hannah on Instagram for quite a while because I absolutely loved her work and found it so inspiring. When I saw that she was offering a coaching and education program for family photographers, I was thrilled about the opportunity to learn from someone so talented who had found a lot of success in this niche. But I also knew I would need to ask a lot of questions before committing, in order to ensure that it would be worth the financial and time investment. Hannah was wonderful from the very beginning, answering all of my questions thoroughly and with genuine care. Although the program was more than I was planning to spend at the time, I could tell from our earliest conversations that Hannah was totally invested in my success, and that I could count on her to provide guidance, mentorship, and a level of service worth far more than the price point. Almost 10 months later, I can confidently say those feelings I had from Day 1 were justified. Working with Hannah has been worth every penny and more. In addition to the wealth of knowledge and confidence I’ve gained, I also feel like I now have some new friends and cheerleaders — in Hannah herself, as well as the other photographers in the Unbasic Creatives community that Hannah has created and nurtured.

Kristen swain:

"...the best program out there for family photographers."

The materials Hannah creates for her courses are extremely robust and detailed. She’s also a fantastic teacher and has a knack for explaining things in a way that makes them seem simple, inspiring confidence that you, too, can do this. I also very much appreciated that Hannah keeps her coaching groups small, which allows for a lot more one-on-one attention and the opportunity to get to know the other photographers in the group and create new supportive friendships in the industry. Hannah was beyond generous with her time, frequently going over the allotted time on our coaching calls, and continues to be that way to this day, answering questions and providing advice when I need it, even though my 6-month coaching period has ended.  

As a busy mom of four, Hannah has a very practical approach to her business. It was so refreshing and encouraging to hear that she has found success while (and perhaps BY) refusing to overcomplicate things. Hannah helped me identify areas of improvement for my business and also helped me see more clearly where I was making things more difficult than they needed to be (for myself and for my clients). In particular, I am SO much happier with my approach to pricing after working with Hannah. I feel like I have settled on a pricing structure that works for me and is easy for my clients to understand. It feels totally sustainable, and I’m no longer spending hours debating internally about what to do about my prices, losing precious sleep over it. For the first time ever, I think I’m in such a good place on my pricing that I don’t need to change anything about it for next year.

Hannah’s guidance has also helped me make vast improvements when it comes to my session flow, editing, the quality of my client galleries, and even my blogging. And when I’m feeling a little uninspired or overwhelmed by some aspect of my business, I know that there’s almost certainly a module on that in the course materials, which I can refer back to anytime. Just the other day I revisited some of Hannah’s session flow modules and felt 10x more confident heading into my next session than I otherwise would have. 

There are a lot of photography education and coaching programs out there, but I’m not aware of anything like what Hannah is offering. The combination of the focus this program offers in our beloved niche of family photography, along with the depth of the information and guidance shared, the personal attention, and Hannah’s genuine kindness and desire to serve and support her students/mentees create what I think is very likely the best program out there for family photographers.

"I cannot speak HIGHLY enough. We started the course in February. It is now May, and my family photography business has SKY ROCKETED."

See For Yourself




“It has been the best thing I have done on my photography journey.”

Hannnah’s Unbasic Creatives program has been a lifeline for me. She covers it all! She is very up front and encouraging with what you need to change about your business.

Being so new to starting a business, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. The online content and meetings answered questions I didn’t know I had! It was that thorough. The virtual calls with peers are invaluable. She even records them so you don’t miss anything...

Implementing even just a small portion of what she offers has changed my business for the better. I have the tools I need to move forward... I truly can’t say enough good things about having a mentor like Hannah. She is so kind and you feel she really cares about you and your hopes for your business. It has been the best thing I have done on my photography journey. I highly recommend her! 


It's time, friend.
The results speak for themselves.

If you still have questions, send me an email, and I'll be happy to discuss the program with you - no strings attached. If you'd like, you can also ask me for names of current and former students who have volunteered their time to talk to others who are working through their decision.

If they did it, you can too.

click that button and get your application in! Space is limted.