I understand how hard it is to make big decisions around how to invest in your business. I am always here to answer questions and talk through details with you.

This page covers all of the questions that I encounter most frequently, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to speak with me directly.

I am 100% confident in Unbasic Creatives, and you'll always find full transparency here!

Let's talk:

Questions, concerns, pricing -
and answers!


"This mastermind has been nothing short of remarkable, and I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact it has had on both my craft and my business."

I take your investment with me very seriously. I can absolutely guarantee that the value I provide is many, many, many times what I charge.


(My students agree wholeheartedly.)

I don't believe in asking people to take a risk with me - and this is not risky in any way whatsoever. This program is proven, and valuable, and pays off over and over again.


My pricing is always transparent. I don't believe in hiding information or in shady sales tactics. The results of my program & my students' rave reviews speak for themselves.


You can always ask me anything, no strings attached. You'll never be pressured to join my program. I'm committed to building an aligned community and that doesn't happen through pressure. Ever.



"I could tell from our earliest conversations that Hannah was totally invested in my success, and that I could count on her to provide guidance, mentorship, and a level of service worth far more than the price point. Working with Hannah has been worth every penny and more."

I know you are! Truth is, we ALL are. Good news: this program is designed just for you.

My lessons are streamlined. My content is not time consuming. From one busy mom to another: I promise to never waste your time. I'm here to end the busy and make sure you're working efficiently and charging profitably - whether your goal is a higher income as you take back your hours, or you're ready to dive all in and make this a full-fledged career!

But... I'm busy.

But... the last program/workshop I did was a waste.

But... it won't work for ME.

That sucks. And I've experienced that too: workshops that waste your time, or coaches who've got big promises, but deliver the bare minimum... and sometimes even leave you feeling like a nuisance. Not cool.

If you're cautious, I GET IT. You should be! But you don't have to take my word for what this program is like, and how I feel about my students: read the reviews, or reach out to me and I'll send you the names of former students that you can actually talk to. Every educator should have to earn your trust, and I'm happy to do so!

HOLD UP. This is a big one. And this might be the one thing that I allowed to hold me back for YEARS. 

I want to be very straightforward with you: this is simply false. Solid, proven business practices will work for you. Building a healthy business - photography or otherwise - doesn’t happen by luck or favor or wishes coming true. It’s happens through hard work, persistence, and actually having a tested and proven plan in place. My students have done this many times before, and it will work for you, too.

If you are struggling with this excuse, I have to break it to you: you’ve got a mindset issue. And friend, I once did, too. I say this with love and the desire to see you thrive. If you let this belief influence your decisions around your business, you’re allowing yourself to limit your potential. You’re your own worst enemy. I understand and empathize, and I’d also love to see you overcome this!

I know what you may be thinking.
(I'm a skeptic too.)

Let's talk - you can be honest.
And so will i!

12 month plan:

12 months of biweekly coaching

lifetime access to course content

1:1 portfolio, pricing & brand reviews

12 payments of $395

Pay in full:

save 15% on your total if you pay in full

buy-now-pay-later options available

all the same great perks!

select the plan that works for you:

lifetime access to unbasic community

major transformation


Q: What exactly is included?

Q: What exactly is included?

Unbasic Creatives includes SO MUCH. You get access to an entire online course with lessons on directing families, indoor and outdoor lighting, digital editing, Photoshop, shooting film, my secrets for success at every session, pricing, social media, your website, SEO, plus templates and cheat sheets and more. You can go through these at your own pace, but I've outlined the ideal way to work through the content so that you're set up for serious success.

This program also includes live group coaching calls every other week for 12 months, individual portfolio, pricing, & brand reviews, plus our online platform where you can ask me Qs between calls and connect with the other students. If you'll show up and do the work, you're going to absolutely rock it.

Q: What is the time commitment for this course?

Q: What is the time commitment for this course?

Ultimately, that's up to you. Course content and calls can take anywhere from 1-3 hours per week, but implementing new knowledge happens on your timeline, as it is healthy for you. That's why I include lifetime course access! This program is designed to work around your busy life, and to be a support - never a stress.

Q: Does it matter if I'm part or full time, or how long I've been in business?

Q: Does it matter if I'm part or full time, or how long I've been in business?

Whether you want to work part time or full time doesn't matter at all - you'll be writing your own definition of success. You'll also learn the skills you need for your biz to thrive no matter how much or little you choose to work.

Your level of experience does not matter! Yes, you do need to be well-versed in the essentials (like how to operate cameras, etc.), and to have some experience working as a photographer. However, some of my students have been in business more than a decade, and are working through major shifts in their work or are finally committing to making their business truly profitable. Others are very new to the industry, and haven't even created a website yet. This course is advanced, yes! But my less experienced students simply work through the course content at a slower pace, or plan to rewatch it again as they grow.

Because there is so much individual and community support, this program genuinely works for photographers of all stages - the only requirement is that you're ready to grow.

It's never too early to build a healthy foundation for your business. And with lifetime access to the online content, and the patterns I teach you for continuous growth and repeat level-ups, you'll be able to use this program to grow for many years to come.

Q: What if I can't make the live calls?

Q: What if I can't make the live calls?

Every call is recorded and available for replay! The live calls are incredibly valuable because you get to talk through your questions/thoughts directly with me. I limit my number of students in my program, so you'll ALWAYS get time to speak directly with me. But if you can't make it, don't stress: it'll be available for you to rewatch at your convenience. My students love watching calls they missed - and they calls that occurred before they even joined - because it turns out that most photographers are dealing with very similar challenges. The discussion that stems from another student's question is usually very relevant to the entire group.  

Q: How much does this cost, and do you offer payment plans?

Q: How much does this cost, and do you offer payment plans?

This program is an absolute STEAL. All of the different services and components add up to over $22,000 - and no, I'm not exaggerating at all. You can join for as low as $335/month, which is the discounted cost when you choose annual billing to save 15%. If you choose to pay in full, you can still use buy-now-pay-later choices like Affirm. If you prefer to pay each month, the standard pricing is $395 monthly - still accessible, still affordable, and still an insane value!

The coaching portion lasts 12 months, regardless of payment plan, and course content and online community access are forever!

Q: Do I need to use a certain type of pricing structure for this program to work?

Q: Do I need to use a certain type of pricing structure for this program to work?

Absolutely not! My students' choices in pricing structure span the spectrum. Some offer products and collections, some are all inclusive. It completely depends on personal preference and your local market. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' and what works in one city may not work at all in another.

The point is to become profitable with a business that you enjoy and that works in your area!

Q: How much will I really grow in a year?

Q: How much will I really grow in a year?

Oh my gosh, A TON. Hear it directly from my students:
- "Hannah’s mentoring has been life changing for me (and I’m not even done yet)." Lindsay
- "I am about halfway through Unbasic Creatives, and I cannot sing enough praises about it." Eunice
- "I've not even officially completed the course and my inquiries have TRIPLED, as well as being able to up my session prices to numbers I could have only dreamed of last year (with plans to keep upping them!)" Courtney

But this is super important, so listen up: my program is not just about a year of your life. It's about the entire future of your business. I will teach you growth patterns and skills - both practical, and visionary - so that you are fully equipped to continue growing year after year. (It's part of why I offer lifetime access to my online course content!) While many of my students have grown beyond what they dreamed of before our 12 months is even up, I want to be clear that the biggest payoff from this program will happen as you continue to implement your knowledge for years to come. You'll learn how to grow and level up again and again, and the payoff will be exponential.

So 12 months is going to be awesome. But it's also just the beginning. Build the right foundation, and your trajectory is going to be so much better than you could ever have anticipated!

Q: Can I join for just a few months?

Q: Can I join for just a few months?

No - but there's no way that you'd want to! I used to offer this program as a six month program. My students LOVED it and raved about what a great investment it is. But I chose to extend it to TWELVE full months, for no additional cost at all - simply because I believe so strongly in the value of spending a full year together. 

Unbasic Creatives is such a wildly amazing value, and absolutely delivers incredible results. The program is always a yearlong commitment, and that's part of what makes it so wonderful!

Keep taking it slow, DIYing your growth, and missing out on clients, confidence, and income...

Supercharge your growth with a community of like-minded creatives who are excelling beyond their dreams.

- or -

Unbasic Creatives is proven to be a game-changer. I'd love to have you join us!

Friend, the choice is yours:

browse reviews

apply now 

Unbasic Creatives is proven to be a game-changer. I'd love to have you join us!